For the last decade, smart building technology has been transforming the role of building commissioning agents, Certified Energy Managers (CEMs), and sustainability advisors in the commercial real estate industry. One area that has evolved is monitoring-based commissioning (MBCx) – a process that involves continuously monitoring and analyzing the performance of a building’s systems to identify opportunities for energy efficiency improvements and to optimize their operation. Adoption of MBCx has been limited because MBCx was seen as complex to implement.Many CEMs and Cx professionals concluded that, when it comes to MBCx, the juice was not worth the squeeze.
Acquiring the HVAC and operations data from a building or campus, for example, required specialized equipment and personnel trained on arcane BAS and HVAC systems. From ACE IoT’s perspective, the five smart building trends we outline below stand to change the calculus regarding MBCx and other building optimization approaches. We see a growing opportunity for CEMs, Cx professionals and sustainability advisors to help their clients improve the energy efficiency and sustainability of their buildings.